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This week I've gone rogue

In an interruption to my normal blogging activity...

When my iPhone broke last week, it was like my body had become disjointed, dislodged if you like. I couldn't call my friends or text them as I couldn't find their numbers. I had to have email conversations and the BF even drew me a map to get to my friend's hen do, so reliant have I become on my handheld homing device. I missed several voicemails from people I didn't know and when you are selling your house -this is not good resulting in raised anxiety levels.

The good new is I have a new phone. And with the new phone ocmes that excitement and novelty factor of what it can do. Obviously any techies would realise (or perhaps not) that there was not that much diffence between my former Iphone 5s and the Iphone 6s. But to me, there is a whole new opportunity to fall in love with apps again.

This is the purpose of my post. I hadn't downloaded an app in yonks, partly because I was having to delete photos just to add new contacts. But yesterday I downloaded my ultimate, most favourite app...


It describes iself as 'Get more out of life,' and allows aspiration checklist of activities you may want to do. I've 'signed' myself up for listening to a TED talk once a week, write a blog entry daily, be present daily and check my posture 3 times a day. I added these before I realised that there was a limit to activities on the 'lite' app version. I'm now saving for the £2.99 to buy the full app. I love it! It's like my 52 challanges on a smaller scale.

I'm one of those people that loves targets and setting goals for myself. Maybe I'm even ambitious. I am just hoping that 'Balanced' actually helps in ensuring, as its title suggests, that I spend an even amount of time on things I love to do.

I will report back soon. But I want to leave you with:

More about the app:

A week of blog posts dedicated to continuous PERSONAL development

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